A Model Patient On COT

  • Vast majority of chronic pain patients
  • Cooperate fully to confirm diagnosis
  • No hidden agenda
  • Seldom hurry to close the encounter
  • Use opioids in a controlled fashion and follow their prescriber's treatment plan
  • Opioids mprove their QOL
  • Medications left over
  • Seldom run out of medication, lose or misplace it.

Chronic Pain

  • Affects estimated 116 million American adults
  • Costs the nation up to $635 billion each year in medical treatment and lost productivity

Opioid Therapy

  • Opioids are not for everyone
  • Opioids can be used chronically with efficacy and safety - Particularly when there is little else to offer
  • High dose therapy is questionable
  • Opioid analgesics do not cause any specific organ toxicity, unlike many other drugs, such as aspirin and acetaminophen. They are not associated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding and renal or hepatic toxicity.
  • Saves lives and takes lives.

Our Mission

"To Enhance Patient Care by Educating the Medical Community on Opioid Selection, Monitoring and Dose Optimization Relying on Evidenced-Based Medicine and within a Biopsychosocial Model of Care”

  • Nationwide
  • Personalized
  • Confidential Reporting
  • HIPPA Compliant
  • Save a Life
  • Save a Medical License

1.  Initial consultation + Standard follow up

  1. Remote file review
  2. Onsite assessment includes file review

Educating the healthcare providers on safe and effective opioid prescribing via file reviews and optional onsite analysis of practice habits and office processes

Consultants for Responsible Opioid Prescribers

As Consultants for Responsible Opioid Prescribers we save lives by educating the healthcare industry across the nation on both safe and effective prescribing of opioids involving patient selection, monitoring and treatment optimization. We advocate for evidence-based medicine and biopsychosocial model of care.

Behzad Emad, M.D. 

Risk Factors for Opioid Abuse

  1. Personal history of substance abuse
  2. Family history of substance abuse
  3. Young age
  4. History of preadolescent sexual abuse
  5. Mental disease
  6. Social patterns of drug use
  7. Psychological Stress
  8. Failure to participate in 12-step program
  9. Poly-substance abuse
  10. Poor social support
  11. Cigarette dependency
  12. History of repeated drub/alcohol rehabilitation
  13. A focus on opioids
  14. Nonfunctional status caused by pain
  15. Exaggeration of pain
  16. Unclear cause of pain
Must address both pain psychopathology and physiology as potential cause contributing to the continuing pain. These factors must be recognized and managed according to evidence-based guidelines

1.  Subscription is Available

File Review

  1. Reporting
  2. Discussion
  3. Action plan
  4. Implementation
  5. Follow up

On-Site Assessment

  1. Workflow
  2. Prescriber one-on-one education


FDA Issues Statement:

"Going forward the agency will continue working with professional organizations, consumer and patient groups, and industry to ensure that prescriber and patient education tools are readily available so that these products are properly prescribed and appropriately used by the patients who need them most." (2013)

Doctors are at risk

Who Is Interested?

  • Prescribers
  • Patients
  • Patient's families
  • DEA
  • Politicians
  • Media
  • Insurers
  • Employers


Why It's Important

  • We are in a CDC-declared opioid epidemic.
  • People are dying needlessly.
  • 46 opioid overdose deaths occur nationally each day.
  • When people are dying daily, we cannot apologize for taking action to ensure patient safety.
  • A number of clinicians still practice based on an outdated biomedical model instead of utilizing a growing body of evidence supporting a biopsychosocial model of pain and its correlation to impairment and disability.